Preparing for the quad play.

David Ginsburg, vice president of marketing at InnoPath Software, writes: "With 4G networks, there is no SMS, and the network has finally transitioned to all-IP. So all communication between the server and the device, from initial activation through updating and troubleshooting, is via IP. This implies some notable changes in the OMA-DM protocol, which in versions through 1.2 had relied on SMS for the initial notification to the device, with ensuing communication taking place over IP. With 4G, DM 1.3 and its support for HTTP Push for notification are key, replacing SMS.

In addition, the MDM server must be network-agnostic, communicating with any device – 3G or 4G – over the most appropriate network connection. The client must also be capable of utilizing the most suitable connection. Lastly, the MDM server must be capable of properly locating the device, associating a user with an IP or SIP address. No longer is there an absolute identifier in the form of a phone number (the MSISDN). For example, the user could be mobile, changing his or her IP address periodically. Here, the MDM server must be either notified of changes or must be capable of querying some database or proxy server in the network to locate the subscriber."