"The result is a secure encrypted environment called Divide that mimics virtualization but is not tied to the hardware. Instead, it’s a partitioned area within the interface that comes with its own applications for web browsing, e-mail, SMS, calendar and contacts. The first version, which will launch on Android, can be accessed by a tap of the app icon or through a double tap of the home screen button. Divide then launches into a distinctive profile that is secure from the rest of the phone...
Enterproid steps into a market that is increasingly getting hotter, and crowded, as companies deal with an influx of employee-bought smartphones and tablets. IDC projects that by 2014, there will be more than a billion smartphones in users’ hands, with 75 percent of employees in large companies using them for business. Good Technology, which has been one of the leaders in securing smart devices, said last year that monthly growth of enterprise iOS and Android deployments was meteoric. VMware finally unveiled its plans for mobile devices by partnering with LG to bring virtualization to Android devices. Motorola, which actually sold off Good Technology, showed its intentions to get back in the space by buying up 3LM earlier this month. And Sprint this morning just announced a Total Equipment Protection app to allow consumers secure, locate and remotely wipe their BlackBerry and Android devices."